Tere mere bich me movie dada kondke
Tere mere bich me movie dada kondke

tere mere bich me movie dada kondke

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tere mere bich me movie dada kondke

Arab gives Gillorie's hand in Gullu's hand and both go for Honeymoon on Camelback. Gullu tells police that Mahajan is Daku Zadapsingh who tried to loot Urban Bank. Meanwhile, Gillorie finds out Mahajan who trying to run away on a Camel. Arab says that Gillorie is my daughter he also reveals that he is not an Arab but belongs to the same village and he is the brother of Gullu's mother. In the end, Sardar agrees that Gillorie is not his own daughter, he bought her from the same village. Meanwhile, Sardar is leaving the village with his dancing group. He runs to his tent and finds out the earing. He suddenly remembers the same type of earing he has. Same time Arab finds an earing of small size. We are leaving this village tomorrow.Īrab interferes but Sardar says that Gillorie is his daughter and he can take her anywhere he wants, nobody can stop him and drags her away. Gillorie wants to leave the group and get married to Gullu and start a new life, but Sardar slaps her and says that she does not daydream. Arab says that Gillorie is a brave girl and must be the daughter of a brave man. Once banjara who loves Gillorie, tries to kill Gullu and Gillori takes revenge. She worships ten times in a day, how she can be a thief? Gillorie overhears and smiles. But Gullu turn down their complaint in front of a police inspector by saying that Gillorie is a very loveable and pious girl. Villagers lodge a complaint with police against Gillorie.

tere mere bich me movie dada kondke

The group performs their first program and pickpocket villagers who came to witness. Gullu meets Gillorie's first time in a temple and becomes overshadowed by her beauty and attitude. Gullu's mother allows them to camp on her land on one condition that all stitching job will be done by her son, Gullu, Sardar, Chief of the group, agrees. Meanwhile, Banjaran GILLORIE and her dancing group arrive in the village. Naturally, Mahajan gets wild on Bank Manager. The only ray of hope is an urban bank whose manager is trying to educate the villagers against Mahajan. Gullu's mother has also been trapped by Mahajan. Mahajan, who is the so-called chief of the village, has grabbed most of the land of the villagers by giving them loans on high interest and making false documents. One Pandit has been asked to find out a good match for Gullu. Gullu's mother, a widow is now in search of a bride for her son. His earning is not much but still, he is a happy-go-lucky guy. Gullu has got his own tailoring shop in the midst of the village.

tere mere bich me movie dada kondke

Gullu and his mother used to live in a village.

Tere mere bich me movie dada kondke